The Whole Ballgame

“Two Corinthians, right? Two Corinthians three seventeen. That’s the whole ballgame.”

The whole ballgame is “Two Corinthians three seventeen,” that where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom, there is liberty. You heard it from the Donald himself.

The good news in Second Corinthians is that Paul is a real human being. He’s vexed with both love and painful scars from his relationship with the church in Corinth and yet he calls them on to truth and to live out their lives of faith, knowing that the Spirit of God infuses their community.

That is the good news: the apostle is a real human being and the Spirit of the Lord supersedes the past conflict between Paul and the church he planted in Corinth.

  1. What’s it like writing a letter to a friend?
  2. What’s the most intimate letter you’ve ever written? Who did you write it to? Why?

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more from 2 Corinthians // the complete #30SecondBible series

Written & spoken by Tony Jones
Music by Dexter Britain
Footage by VideoBlocks
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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