Why I Kissed Dating Goodbye

At age of 16 my mother placed a copy of I Kissed Dating Goodbye in my hand. And after reading it even the smallest crush was dominated by a single question: Could I marry this girl?

Every date my teen mind swirled with anxiety as I tried to image youth group girls as a 25 year old woman.

What would her college major be, where would we live, how many kids…

And as a teenager who had yet to discover the anti-anxiety medication that allowed me to marry my now wife – this was enough for me to kiss dating goodbye.

  1. What messages did you receive about dating as a teenager?
  2. How did you deal with anxiety during adolescence?

#LifeAfterIKDG // @IKDGstories // LifeAfterIKDG.com

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Written & Spoken by Nathan Roberts
Music by Dexter Britain
Footage by VideoBlocks
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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