These Two Worldviews

In Isaiah we see the coalescing of influences from both the histories of the Northern Kingdom of Ephraim and the Southern Kingdom of Judah. The heritage of the Northern Kingdom placed a high priority on obedience to God and keeping God’s law, while the Southern Kingdom took great pride in God’s promise to always be on their side.

The prophet Isaiah holds these two worldviews together, encouraging the King to remember God’s promise and be confident in it, and yet not to be lax in following God’s law.

  1. In your experience, what happens when two different worlds collide?
  2. Which kingdom do you resonate with more: the Northern Kingdom who believes in obedience and keeping God’s law or the Southern Kingdom who believes that God is always on their side? Why?

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more from Isaiah // the complete #30SecondBible series

Written & spoken by Keegan Osinski
Music by AudioBlocks
Footage by VideoBlocks
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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