A Letter, A Warning, A Plea

What’s the book of James?

It’s a letter to those who feel scattered, two-faced, pushed-down, or taken in by empty promises…
It’s a warning to succumb to these forces, that divide and entice, at your own peril…
It’s a plea to live out your faith. Be generous and compassionate to the poor. Tear down every wall of division, every hierarchy. Listen to others first (second, third) and then speak. Good begets good begets good…

And it’s a promise that this faith-filled endurance is not meaningless. It is a chrysalis, where something beautiful is gestating, even now—in you, and in the world.

  1. When was a time you felt scattered, two-faced, pushed-down, or taken in by empty promises?
  2. How have you found meaning in your faith-filled endurance?

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more from James // the complete #30SecondBible series

Written & spoken by Josh Lunde-Whitler
Music by Christian Bjoerklund
Footage by VideoBlocks
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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