Everyone Has A Name

Everyone has a name.

We’re given a name when we’re born and we collect nicknames as we grow older. As a non-binary person, I have a birth name and I have nicknames. I also have a preferred name.

It’s no secret that most names are gendered. Calling someone by their preferred name recognizes the humanity in that person. There is a certain power in the simple practice of naming.

We name people and things to make it easier to identify them. If the name does not fit what we are naming, we come up with a new one. If a gendered name does not fit our non-gendered identity, we have the power to create a neutral one.

  1. In your own words, what’s in a name?
  2. “There is a certain power in the simple practice of naming.” Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Watch the complete #Pride2016 series to hear more reflections from trans and gender nonconforming people.

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Spoken by KT Stever
Music by Dexter Britain
Footage by VideoBlocks and Pond5
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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