Everyone Is Transitioning

Everyone is transitioning. Maybe not in gender, but you are the same person you’ve always been, and yet drastically different from who you once were. We are not static beings.

Being a non-binary trans person has helped me embrace this wider-truth. I am not yet expressing the me I hope to be, but I am learning to value the journey of getting there.

In our genders, spiritual lives, politics, relationships we are all becoming. And I believe in the words of feminist theologian, Nelle Morton who said, “The journey itself is home.”

  1. In what ways have you experienced transitioning in your life?
  2. How have you learned to value the journey of becoming the person you hope to be?

Watch the complete #Pride2016 series to hear more reflections from trans and gender nonconforming people.

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Spoken by M Barclay
Music by YEYEY
Footage by DissolveVideoBlocks, and Pond5
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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